
In our first year of operation, we have set up the WWSTF Steering Group and Technical Group. Both of these have contributed to agreeing a set of projects. Some are site-specific and are listed on the Site-Specific Projects page.

Strategic projects are not linked to any particular site and involve many organisations in a collective approach that can be applied across the catchment.

Strategic Project list

Ref Theme Principal organisations More Information
1 Watercourse Management, Biodiversity & Water quality: looking at the relationship between good watercourse management and biodiversity, and considering the principles of Chalkshire. East Riding Flood Risk, East Yorkshire Rivers Trust, Environment Agency, Newbald PC, University of Hull, Yorkshire Water, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Landowners. Strategic-Project-1-watercourses.pdf
2 Natural Flood Management: assess the potential capacity, effectiveness, management, funding and delivery of NFM within the Mill Beck Catchment. East Riding Flood Risk, East Yorkshire Rivers Trust, Environment Agency, Newbald PC, PATT/Green Task Force, University of Hull, Landowners. Strategic-Project-2-NFM.pdf
3 Agriculture: soils, hedgerows, woodland, working with farmers/landowners, delivery. HEYwoods, PATT/Green Task Force, University of Hull, Woodland Trust, Yorkshire Water, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Landowners. Strategic-Project-3-Agriculture.pdf

Agriculture Workshop
4 Data capture (weather, rainfall amounts, river levels) using citizen science and community engagement. University of Hull, Landowners, all Parish Councils. Strategic-Project-4-Data.pdf
5 Relationship of surface water and waste water sewer system. The two are closely linked, with surface water strongly impacting on the performance of sewer system, and sewer overflows impacting on the quality of surface water. Yorkshire Water, East Riding Flood Risk, Newbald and Ellerker PCs. Link to follow
6 Schools: we want to involve local primary (and perhaps secondary) schools in WWSTF's work; and consider possible SuDS Retrofit to help engage the pupils. Schools and their Academies, East Riding Flood Risk, East Yorkshire Rivers Trust, Environment Agency, University of Hull, Yorkshire Water, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. Link to follow

Would you like to be involved?

As well as the projects and organisations listed above, we would like to hear from you if you have any other ideas which could contribute to our aims or if you would like to be involved in any of the above.

Get in touch and let us know your areas of interest.