June 2022

The workshop took place, online, on the 21st of June. We had intended to make this an in-person event but, unfortunately, we did not get enough confirmed attendees to justify the room hire cost at Drewton's, who were very understanding when we decided to move the event online. We suspect this lost us a few farmers and land agents who would rather have attended a live event, and had a bacon sandwich and a chat! The good news is that everything was recorded.

There are informative video presentations and links on:


West Wolds Slow the Flow: brief introduction and why we need to consider 'slowing the flow' as well as 'getting the water away'.

Catchment Sensitive Farming

Catchment Sensitive Farming: and recently extended funding and support for farm improvements.

Humber Forest

Humber Forest: extensive funding and support for tree planting – it could not be easier!


Our Chalk Landscape: underpinning everything in the Wolds: landscape, farming, water, biodiversity and economy.


Soil fertility and productivity: How to sustainably improve them - particularly important in the face of recent droughts and fertiliser price hikes.

Further discussion: including Regenerative Farming, Carbon Storage and Credits, Roles of banks and food buyers in carbon audit.

Diagram to show the impact farming has on the soil carbon balance
Diagram to show the impact farming has on the soil carbon balance

We hope you will find the presentations interesting and helpful. They are all great, but if you have time for nothing else, we would particularly recommend the Soils video - it's an eye-opener.

Any comments – including differing opinions – are welcome!